Logistics etc a. Agenda and minutes (Google Doc?) b. Discussions platforms (Discord, Github, etc) c. Co-chair d. Next meeting
Hackathon results [Nigel]
Working Groups [Max] a. Algorithms b. Education / Website c. OQS
Security governance
Project lifecycle
Project assurance level
Need to select a vice-chair a. Agreed to move to mailing list and elections b. Max nominated Brian Jarvis (AWS) c. Others can self-nominate or nominate others d. Ry will set voting to decide vice-chair before next meeting
Logistics a. Use GH (like Hyperledger) for agenda and minutes i. Ry proposed process and created entry for first meeting b. Mailing list for announce of agenda and minutes c. Use GH discussions for project and discord for
Hackathon results a. Nigel updates link to PDF presentation b. Schedule next hackathon c. Challenge is to address Asian, European, American d. Perhaps two separate meetings
Working groups a. OQS already started and doing well b. For PQ code package the following projects i. Algos ii. Tooling and misc iii. Education / Website / Docs c. Security governance (as proposed by Emily)
Project lifecycle [Hart] a. Hart shared template lifecycle that takes from Hyperledger and other projects link to doc b. This group should make suggestions and changes as appropriate
Project assurance [Norman] a. Include in project lifecycle b. What assurances we want to propose is included into our lifecycle and that projects will follow c. APIs discussions
Action Items
Email mailing list to elect vice-chair [Max]
Document the minutes into GH repo and get approval and share in mailing list [Max]
Schedule next hackathon meeting [Nigel]
Propose the 3 new working groups: Algos, Tooling / Misc, and Docs / Education / Website as issues [Max]
Review lifecycle document and include assurance into template doc [All]