
  1. Finalize agenda
  2. CBOM tooling presentation by Nicklas Körtge
  3. Live review of the Lifecycle document


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Finalize agenda

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CBOM tooling presentation by Nicklas Körtge

Nicklas Körtge (IBM Research - Zurich) presented his tooling that helps faciliate CBOM creation and maintenance.

His presentation covered:

  1. Show the OSS (Apache 2.0) Sonor Cryptography Plugin github repository
  2. Demonstration of the live service that uses the plugin
    • Live service aviable to all to test and generate downloadable CBOM (Java and Python for now)
    • You can try this yourself
  3. Discuss how scanning works and how new languages can be added
  4. Top three missing items:
    1. More languages / libraries
    2. Edge case testing
    3. Usage and feedback

Live review of the Lifecycle document


  1. Licenses - OSI list from the LF but should be use a subset of OSI
    1. Clarify licenses and preferred
  2. Research projects
    1. Categorization of the projects (labels)
    2. Scaling could become an issue
  3. Start resolving comments

Action items

Action items

## Done (from previous minutes)

  • Jones will see about An open source c/sbom generator
  • We will take time in next meeting to review lifecycle doc live with everyone and close on this [All]

## Old

  • Docs / Education / Website — look at PQ Code package as example [Nigel]
  • Lifecycle document review [All]
  • Summary for security workgroup [Nigel]
  • SBOM / CBOM interest query [Nigel]
  • Create GH issue for content reviewers [Naomi]
  • Lifecycle document completion [Hart]

## New

  • Continue review lifecycle doc [all]
  • Resolve comments [Brian, Hart, myself]


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Attended by

TAC members

  • Norman Ashley, Cisco
  • Michael (Max)imilien, IBM
  • Sam Stanwyck, NVIDIA
  • Sophie Schmieg, Google
  • Brian Jarvis, Amazon Web Services Inc.
  • Thomas Bailleux, SandboxAQ
  • Nigel Jones, IBM

Additional attendees

  • Yarkin Doroz (NVDIA)
  • Bryan Uhri (KeyFactor)
  • Alex Bozarth (IBM)
  • Ry Jones (LF)
  • Hart Montgomery (LF)