_Copy this template to the subdirectory for the current year and name the file `YYYY-MM-DD-TAC-meeting-record.md` (e.g., `2023-02-02-TOC-meeting-record.md`). Update the information above to change the `title` (e.g., `2023-02-16 TOC Meeting Record`, the `parent` to `YYYY` (e.g., 2023), the `grand_parent` to `Meeting Minutes`, and remove the `nav_exclude` line. Update the links below to reflect the appropriate image location (e.g., `../images/`). Text between `` are instructions. Please remove when section has been completed._


  1. Approve previous minutes
  2. PQ Code package TSC
  3. Recurring hackathon
  4. PQCA Scholarship
  5. New business
  6. Misc
    • OS summit conference
    • Blogs
    • vice-chair election






None as we did not have quorum


  1. Approve previous minutes

Merged minutes: https://github.com/PQCA/TAC/blob/gh-pages/meeting-minutes/2024/2024-04-10-TAC.md

  1. PQ Code package TSC
  • Nigel presented initial work documented in PR
  • Scheduled meeting to match different timezones of participants
  1. Recurring hackathon
  • Will schedule after TSC is up and running
  1. PQCA Scholarship
  • Mentorship program that can be mirrored from CNCF or other open source projects.
  • The governing board needs to approve the program then the TAC will ultimately decide what the program parameters are.
  • https://lfx.linuxfoundation.org/tools/mentorship/
  1. New business


  1. Misc
    • OS summit conference

Consider having a workshop and/or submitting a CFP for various industry events.

OSS EU - CFP is open and closes April 30th, please be sure to submit a talk. Meeting space is currently waitlisted so a workshop is likely not doable. Crypto 2024 is a possible event

  • Blogs

DRAFT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18wxoFYNhz1vUM5Xa4x89p8YNCtckLtP_xhHsK0P2oXo/edit

Crypto (mid to late august) Dan Apon organizing Before or after the conference All day event UC Santa Barbara Crypto 2024 (iacr.org)

Press Releases can be coordinated with LF Marketing and added to the LF Newsroom webpage. Blogs can be received by any community member with a PQCA focus, and reviewed by members of the TAC or LF staff for approval. The blogs will then be added to the PQCA website. If you have blog content, please submit to nwashington@linuxfoundation.org.

  • Vice-chair election

  • Need gov board to approve charter revision
  • Waiting on legal
  • Nominations open
  • Naomi will kick start the election similar to how the TAC chairperson election was managed.

Action items

Action items

## Done (from previous minutes)

  • [*] Reach out to OQS about lifecycle document [Thomas / Nigel]
  • [*] Setup TSC for PQ Code Package [Nigel]
  • [*] Reach out to OpenSSF (Omkar) for a security governance overview / best practices [Max] * Dana Wong will be presenting on 5/12 meeting

## Old

  • Propose the 3 new working groups: Algos, Tooling / Misc, and Docs / Education / Website as issues [Max]
  • Schedule next hackathon meeting [Nigel]
  • Review lifecycle document and include assurance into template doc [All]

## New

  • Docs / Education / Website
  • Lifecycle document


Upcoming TAC meetings

Please check the calendar

Attended by

TAC members

Norman, Sam, Sophie, and Brian attended

  • Norman Ashley, Cisco
  • Michael (Max)imilien, IBM
  • Sam Stanwyck, NVIDIA
  • Sophie Schmieg, Google
  • Brian Jarvis, Amazon Web Services Inc.
  • Thomas Bailleux, SandboxAQ

Additional attendees

Daniel Apon, Ry Jones, Hart Montgomery, Jason Lee, Alex Bozarth, Bryan Uhri, and Naomi Washington