_Copy this template to the subdirectory for the current year and name the file `YYYY-MM-DD-TAC-meeting-record.md` (e.g., `2023-02-02-TOC-meeting-record.md`). Update the information above to change the `title` (e.g., `2023-02-16 TOC Meeting Record`, the `parent` to `YYYY` (e.g., 2023), the `grand_parent` to `Meeting Minutes`, and remove the `nav_exclude` line. Update the links below to reflect the appropriate image location (e.g., `../images/`). Text between `` are instructions. Please remove when section has been completed._
- New faces
- Approve agenda (with any changes) [Max]
- Approval of minutes of last meeting [All]
- Project lifecycle document [All]
- Working groups [All]
- Vision for TAC <= Delayed to next meeting
- PQ Code Package [Nigel]
- Action items [All]
None since not enough voting members
- New faces [Max]
- Approve agenda (with any changes) [Max]
- Approval of minutes of last meeting [All]
- 03/07 minutes are available at: https://github.com/PQCA/TAC/pull/5
- Please review minutes and vote for approval via approval of the pull request, or make a comment / code review to suggest a change
- Project lifecycle document [All]
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NV-0vNgXWdc81oqT0jv0C-9Funb8dySS06u90ghF-X4/edit
- Start merging changes and reply to comments
- Can revise the document over time
- Flexibility
- Working groups [Max]
- https://github.com/PQCA/TAC/issues/8
- Website managed by Naomi
- Different parts come from github.io for the various projects
- Work with Naomi to ensure that PQCA.org sections that require changes sync with correct parts of the projects github.io
- https://github.com/PQCA/TAC/issues/7
- It’s the essence of this project
- Goal is to currate which OSS PQ algo implementation to reach out to
- https://github.com/PQCA/TAC/issues/2
- Open SSF guideline
- Scorecard (started, Nigel)
- At least start with basic
- Automated as much as possible
- Moved to best practices eventually
- CVE vulnerability reporting
- Sigstore
- CBOM (a bit meta since the items in this project are used by CBOM)
- Get someone from OpenSSF (reach out to Omkar and cc: Hart)
- Vision for TAC <= Delayed to next meeting
- PQ Code Package [Nigel]
- Different algorithms already
- Creation of TSC
- Need list members
- Project charter (template from Hart)
- Documentation and website pages
- Hackathon after charter
Action items
Done (from previous minutes)
- Propose the 3 new working groups: Algos, Tooling / Misc, and Docs / Education / Website as issues [Max]
- Schedule next hackathon meeting [Nigel]
- Review lifecycle document and include assurance into template doc [All]
- Reach out to OQS about lifecycle document [Thomas / Nigel]
- Setup TSC for PQ Code Package [Nigel]
- Reach out to OpenSSF (Omkar) for a security governance overview / best practices [Max]
- Recordings are available on your Open Profile page under Past Meetings
Upcoming TAC meetings
Attended by
Non-voting members
- Bryan (Keyfactor)
- Ry (LF)
- Hart (LF)
- Naomi (LF)
- Nigel (IBM)
Voting members
Norman Ashley, Cisco- Michael (Max)imilien, IBM
Sam Stanwyck, NVIDIASophie Schmieg, GoogleBrian Jarvis, Amazon Web Services Inc.- Thomas Bailleux, SandboxAQ